The National Marine Sanctuaries Act mandates the management and protection of submerged archaeological sites within the sanctuaries. Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary is responsible for the identification and protection of submerged archaeological properties in their management area as well as the development of education initiatives for these resources. The National Historic Preservation Act directs federal agencies that manage public lands to survey and inventory historical and archaeological properties and assess them for their eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. Within the National Marine Sanctuaries, these resources would include submerged prehistoric archaeological remains and historic ship and aircraft wrecks, historic docks, wharves and piers.
NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Maritime Heritage Program’s Maritime Cultural Landscape initiative supports targeted research in the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. The Maritime Heritage Program and Greater Farallones sanctuary collaborates with federal and state agencies, as well as the private sector, to document resources and to create opportunities to locate and record submerged archaeological resources. These studies provide a foundation for an inventory and enhanced public awareness about the historic resources located in the sanctuary.